Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Misquoted Media Reports.

Just to clear up a few misleading media reports..

Yes! I will be standing in the Mt Albert by-election representing “The People's Choice Party” No! I have never stood for the New Plymouth District Council and nor was I the first non Maori to stand for a Maori seat.. That person was People's Choice candidate at the time Doug Wilson who stood in the 1999 Te Tai Hauauru by-election.”The People's Choice Party” how ever, was the first politcal party ever formed and registered out of Taranaki. ( May 1999 ).
The People's Choice are standing a candidate in the Mt Albert by-election merely as a focal point of intense media and public interest. to highlight and promote their parties views that would otherwise not be heard if it were a general election. Their view is that citizens initiated referendum's should be binding on the government. Issues like the Auckland Super City and the Waterview motorway are contentious issues for the Mt Albert community. Where a citizens referendum would better help decide a more democratic community lead process and outcome. The People's Choice Party are a ginger group that uses its democratic right to stand in elections to make political comment not to win elections.
Rusty Kane (me) their candidate will also use the by-election to push my provincial New Plymouth Independent opinion that I would rather see a greater share of the money ear marked for Auckland's infrastructure be redirected to the provinces were it is most needed. Auckland takes most of the lion share of all New Zealand's roading money leaving very little for the provinces. New Plymouth for instance, who has the third largest export port in the country. Is still in need of a new bridge over the Waiwhakaiho and the vital state highway 3 north to Auckland is well overdue a major upgrade.

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