Thursday, June 25, 2009

Electoral Success for Rusty Kane and "The People's Choice Party"

RKBee DPF’s Kiwiblog comment... Final Mt Albert Results.

Peter (152): Rusty Kane, winner of the most ironically named party…

Ironic in that “The Peoples Choice Party it is surly not! the Peoples Choice. And the name Rusty Kane is ironic... In that Rusty he is not.. He was claimed to be the most awesomely named candidate. Who didn't know he had five family members living in Mt Albert.

Rusty Kane, winner of the most ironically named party…and most awesomely named candidate.

Now thats a headline none of the other candidates could aspire to or achieve.

Friday, June 19, 2009

By-Election MP Expenses..

After reading that the main parties campaigning in the Mt Albert by-election had at least 34 MPs from outside Auckland using taxpayer-funded flights to travel north to support candidates in the Mt Albert by-election. It is know wonder that the smaller parties with their nil budgets got nil percentage of the vote. I would like to be the first Mt Albert by-election candidate to announce that I and “The People's Choice Party” did not use any taxpayer funded expenses for our campaign for the MT Albert by-election. And will be filing (Nil) on all our Returns of Candidate Election Expenses and Donations. A true reflection of our percentage of the vote. I can truly say the Mt Albert by-election voters paid for what they got and got what they paid for.

Rusty Kane
“The People's Choice Party”
Candidate for the Mt Albert By- Election.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Referendums not in Favour...

Non-binding referendums waste of time and money.

The NPDC rejection of the concept of non-binding referendum on major projects has favour with the thinking of the Mt Albert community. Although I was a candidate I didn't physically campaign wanting only to make political comment. at the by-election, our parties press release that citizen binding referendums be binding on the Government was soundly rejected. My own provincial view and press release that the money spent on Auckland's roads be redirected to the provinces where it was needed, was also soundly rejected. On that view it was no surprise we come last with only five votes. Auckland has never much been in favour of supported anything south of the Bombay Hills. But the referendum view was a bit of a surprise. As the country has been calling for referendums on major issues for years. It is pretty convincing to me from these results if only Mt Albert's that the public agree with the NPDC that the people are happy for the statuesque of electing representatives to make the decisions for them, without their input and need of citizens initiated referendum. If their representatives get it wrong they can blame them. not themselves then punish them come next election. But I still say without favour that without binding referendums the Government will not listen or take head of the majorities wishes. The $9 million spent on the non-binding citizens initiated referendum on the anti-smacking law is just a waste of money and time, when its not binding on the Government. John Key has already stated the Government is unlikely to change the child-discipline law regardless of the result of the $9 million referendum. So why have it.

Rusty Kane

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rusty Kane analysis Mt Albert.

Rusty Kane analysis Mt Albert by-election result.

Labour candidates David Shearers 9,187 majority over second placed National, shows that the Mt Albert voters have decided clearly, they want Labours full tunnel option of the Waterview Motorway under the electorate, not Nationals mix of both tunnel and above ground cheaper version. Making it the electorates majority choice, and the closest that one can get to a citizens initiated referendum without having a citizens initiated referendum. The problem for Mt Albert now is because it is not a true referendum and not binding on the government, they will not get their full tunnel option. Instead they will get what ever the National government decides they will get, with very little regard for the views of the strongly Labour held Mt Albert electorate. Its fair to say National now will steam roll their way through the Mt Albert electorate with a cheaper motorway version sighting it in New Zealand's best interests and in the best interests of the new Auckland Super City Council.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rusty Kane offers to be Melissa Lee's Campaign Manager.

“The People's Choice Party”

PRESS RELEASE 11/06/2009

Rusty Kane offers to be Melissa Lee's Campaign Manager.

People's Choice Mt Albert by- election candidate Rusty Kane is offering Nationals Melissa Lee Mt Albert by-election candidate to be her campaign manager for the last two days before poling day.

He said her campaign has been badly managed by National and she deserves better.

The smear campaign against her from the left and her off the cuff remarks taped in the heat of candidate meetings would not have happened if she and her campaign was properly prepared and managed. Rusty said in his opinion she is the most promising candidate in the Mt Albert by-election. She is smart courages and determined to achieve. Perfect material for a good campaign manager to work with. Even at this late stage in the campaign with only two days to go Melissa Lee's derailed campaign can be put on track to come in at a credible second place. As it is now with no professional campaign management support behind her she will be lucky to make second place. Rusty said I like her she has spunk and says it like it is. With good management she would be a great political representative for any party or electorate. He also so said his own campaign is all but over, did anyone hear my parties message that citizen initiated referendums be binding on the Government.”No” but you did hear Melissa's Lee's car was parked in a disabled car park. She defiantly has that x factor and media appeal thats required, thats half the battle won for a campaign manager.

"The People's Choice Party"
PO Box 41002, St Lukes, Auckland 1346

Contact: Rusty Kane
Phone: 06-758 7688
Postal address: PO Box 5111, New Plymouth 4343

Monday, June 8, 2009

Stop the Waterview Motorway.

Press Release 09/06/2009 The People's Choice Party

Rusty Kane candidate Mt Albert by-election

Stop the Waterview Motorway.

At least for the time being.. Under the current financial climate the Auckland Waterview project like the Cullen fund and the promised tax cuts are unfordable for New Zealand at this time. And like the Cullen fund along with the promised tax cuts.. The Government needs to wait until the country is in a better financial position economically to afford it. Borrowing to pay for this big ticket items at this time would be fool hearty as the Government has already has eluded to and taken action on both the Cullen fund and promised tax cuts. Lead by the National Government because of the world recession the whole country is now being forced to cut back unfordable spending. The pressure is on all Government and local body councils spending. So it would be unwise and contradictory for the same National Government to now proceed with borrowing large sums of money to finance the Waterview Motorway. When the rest of New Zealand has been told to tighten their belts.

"The People's Choice Party"
PO Box 41002, St Lukes, Auckland 1346

Contact: Rusty Kane
Phone: 06-758 7688
Postal address: PO Box 5111, New Plymouth 4343

No Right Turn: Nomination day

Your Wrong about Kane.. He's no crank and would have to be the most experienced campaigner in the Mt Albert by-election.

Rusty Kane Say's Greens...

The People's Choice Party

Press Release 08/06/2009

Rusty Kane
Catch 22 For Mt Albert Voters.
Now that the poles have confirmed Labours candidate for the Mt Albert by-election David Shearer is way out in front. The Mt Albert voters need to really think hard on which party candidate they vote in second place. By strongly voting in the Labours candidate means they prefer Labours option for a Waterview Tunnel. But because National is the Government they will instead get National Waterview Motorway-Tunnel option instead, regardless. But if they strategically vote the Greens to come in second after Labour and not National they will still have a say on the Waterview project. As the Greens have a political working relationship with National, and will still lobby the National Government on the Mt Albert electorates behalf. This will still keep both Labour and National interested in the electorate come the next general election, if the Greens have a strong foot hold in the electorate. Strategically there is now no point in voting National. Strategically voting the Greens is the only way Mt Albert electorate can now keep the Waterview Tunnel option alive.

"The People's Choice Party
"PO Box 41002,
St Lukes,
Auckland 1346

Contact: Rusty Kane
Phone: 06-758 7688
Postal address:
PO Box 5111, New Plymouth 4343

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rusty Kane Speaks Out..

Press Release

The People's Choice Party

Rusty Kane speaks out.

The Mt Albert electorate will only vote for a smaller party like The People's Choice Party. Not because of their candidate, but because of what the candidate represents or is saying. I and The People's Choice Party are saying, the Mt Albert electorate themselves should be the ones who decide what is best for Mt Albert. If the Mt Albert voters believe this also, they will vote accordingly. As a protest vote, sending a direct message to the Government itself. The voters of the Mt Albert electorate are not fools. They know the by-election is not going to change the Government. But they do know that their votes and how they vote will decide the outcome of their views. If that view is for the people of Mt Albert to decide what is best for Mt Albert not that of a political party. Then there's every chance they will protest their vote to a smaller party with those same views. Sending the strongest possible message to the Government leading up to a general election. There is no reason for Labour not to win the Mt Albert by-election. But what is more important in a by-election is the percentage of the remaining votes that are divided up among the smaller parties and why is the real message.

"The People's Choice Party"
PO Box 41002, St Lukes,
Auckland 1346

Contact: Rusty Kane
Phone: 06-758 7688
Postal address: PO Box 5111,
New Plymouth 4343

Smaller Party Candidates

We have all seen know of and heard in the media the larger parties candidates standing in the Mt Albert by-election. National, Labour, Greens, and Act. But what about the other candidates standing in the Mt Albert by-election. Some of whom have their own good reasons for standing. But will never be heard because New Zealand media only report on the four main party candidates. They seem to have the same mentality that New Zealand stops at the Bombay Hills. In other words they have know interest beyond the four main parties. But there's a lot of New Zealand beyond the Bombay Hills, as there's a lot more candidates in the Mt Albert by-election besides the four main parties. Eleven more in fact. We pride ourselves as a country as being demercratic yet these eleven will never be heard. Not that they have nothing to say or can't add to the debate in Mt Albert by-election and New Zealand politics in general.. But because they are to small and therefore insignificant in the eyes of the media. But if we were a truly democratic country we would have a truly democratic media that would equally let us know all the candidates views and reasons for standing in the Mt Albert by-election not just the chosen few based on their status and size.

Rusty Kane
Candidate Mt Albert By-Election
The People's Choice Party.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Misconceptions @ Facts

Some misconceptions and facts...

Yes! I will be standing in the Mt Albert by-election representing “The People's Choice Party” No! I have never stood for the New Plymouth District Council and nor was I the first non Maori to stand for a Maori seat as reported by the TDN 20/05/09.. That person was People's Choice candidate at the time Doug Wilson who stood in the 1999 Te Tai Hauauru by-election.”The People's Choice Party” how ever, was the first political party to be registered out of Taranaki. ( May 1999 ). Most people including the media believe it is a waste of time for me or the People's Choice to keep standing in elections if we are not going to win. It is true "The People's Choice Party"are standing me as a candidate in the Mt Albert by-election merely as a focal point of intense media and public interest to highlight and promote their views like citizens initiated referendum's should be binding on the government. In our opinion there is no better place to highlight this view. Issues like the Auckland Super City and the Waterview motorway are contentious issues for the Mt Albert community. Where a citizens referendum would better help decide a more democratic community lead process and outcome. The People's Choice Party are a ginger group that uses its democratic right to stand in elections to make political comment not win elections. The by-election is also a place for me as their candidate to take the opportunity to push my provincial New Plymouth Independent view that I would like to see a greater proportion of the money ear marked for Auckland's infrastructure be redirected to the provinces were it is also needed. Auckland takes most of the lion share of all New Zealand's roading money leaving very little for the provinces. New Plymouth for instance, who has the third largest export port in the country. Its vital road north to Auckland state highway 3 is well overdue money for a major upgrade, and the bridge at its northern outlet needs to be widened or replaced. None of which has for years been allocated the necessary funds from the NZ Transport Agency. Money allocated is politically motivated towards the cities for vote catching and is neglecting the provinces infrastructure needs. If people like me and my party don't make use of elections to focus our views and make public comment, places like New Plymouth that have no real political clout other than their local MP will be waiting a long time knocking on the doors of the NZ Transport Agencies death ears.
Rusty Kane

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ar-gee Bar-gee Politics

The People's Choice Party”

Mt Albert by-election

Press Release. 27/05/09

“The People's Choice Party” has decided to stay well clear of the Ar-gee Bar-gee politics of the larger political parties campaigns in the Mt Albert by-election. Instead they have quietly worked away in the background building up party support, by holding media excluded in house meetings at Mt Albert residents houses in the electorate.
Rusty Kane their candidate said the main parties candidates have been focused on themselves in a three party dirty politics campaign that has simply over looked the Mt Albert residents themselves.
The People's Choice believe just talking to Mt Albert residents and staying clear of the larger parties dirty campaigns has gained them more credibility within the community who are more interested in hearing the parties policy's meeting their candidate and finding out how he and the party can best represent them in the Mt Albert electorate..
Rusty said the residents have given him and the party some really good feed back, once they have heard what the party is about and what it has to offer. He said most residents he spoke to are sick of the the way the other parties candidates are using them and the by-election for their own ends for party grandstanding. He said smaller parties like “The People's Choice Party” would never by heard in that environment. And will continue to hold the very successful media excluded in
house meetings in the Mt Albert residents houses.


“The People's Choice Party”
PO Box 41002, St Lukes, Auckland 1346
Contact: Rusty KanePhone: 06-758 7688Postal address: PO Box 5111, New Plymouth 4343Email:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Misquoted Media Reports.

Just to clear up a few misleading media reports..

Yes! I will be standing in the Mt Albert by-election representing “The People's Choice Party” No! I have never stood for the New Plymouth District Council and nor was I the first non Maori to stand for a Maori seat.. That person was People's Choice candidate at the time Doug Wilson who stood in the 1999 Te Tai Hauauru by-election.”The People's Choice Party” how ever, was the first politcal party ever formed and registered out of Taranaki. ( May 1999 ).
The People's Choice are standing a candidate in the Mt Albert by-election merely as a focal point of intense media and public interest. to highlight and promote their parties views that would otherwise not be heard if it were a general election. Their view is that citizens initiated referendum's should be binding on the government. Issues like the Auckland Super City and the Waterview motorway are contentious issues for the Mt Albert community. Where a citizens referendum would better help decide a more democratic community lead process and outcome. The People's Choice Party are a ginger group that uses its democratic right to stand in elections to make political comment not to win elections.
Rusty Kane (me) their candidate will also use the by-election to push my provincial New Plymouth Independent opinion that I would rather see a greater share of the money ear marked for Auckland's infrastructure be redirected to the provinces were it is most needed. Auckland takes most of the lion share of all New Zealand's roading money leaving very little for the provinces. New Plymouth for instance, who has the third largest export port in the country. Is still in need of a new bridge over the Waiwhakaiho and the vital state highway 3 north to Auckland is well overdue a major upgrade.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The People's Choice Party

“The People's Choice Party” have chosen Rusty Kane of New Plymouth as their candidate for the Mt Albert by-election. The by-election will give the party exposure and highlight the need for citizens binding initiated referendum's. “ The party believes the by-election is the best place for the Mt Albert community (knowing there votes will not change the government) to protest their vote to a smaller party like the People's Choice who support citizens majority community choice over that of central government.. By voting People's Choice will send the strongest message to the larger parties that the Mt Albert communities opinions and values are not to be sidelined for the sack of political expediency.
The People's Choice candidate Rusty Kane believes the Mt Albert electorate itself should have the major say on deciding on how a motorway or any other major infrastructure project should proceed through their electorate by way of referendum.
It will also give the electorate a protest vote choice against the main parties that are using the by-election as a tool for their own political parties agendas.
Rusty Kane put in his candidacy's at the last minute after first choice local candidate had withdrawn, because of on going overseas commitments.
Rusty is a seasoned campaigner and leader of 'The People's Choice Party” he describes himself as a middle-aged, kiwi plebiscite of European descent. (An average Kiwi bloke).

The People's Choice Party
Community Focused
Communities First

Auckland office
PO Box 41002, St Lukes,
Auckland 1346

Contact: Rusty Kane
Phone: 06-758 7688
Postal address:
PO Box 5111, New Plymouth 4343