Monday, June 15, 2009

Referendums not in Favour...

Non-binding referendums waste of time and money.

The NPDC rejection of the concept of non-binding referendum on major projects has favour with the thinking of the Mt Albert community. Although I was a candidate I didn't physically campaign wanting only to make political comment. at the by-election, our parties press release that citizen binding referendums be binding on the Government was soundly rejected. My own provincial view and press release that the money spent on Auckland's roads be redirected to the provinces where it was needed, was also soundly rejected. On that view it was no surprise we come last with only five votes. Auckland has never much been in favour of supported anything south of the Bombay Hills. But the referendum view was a bit of a surprise. As the country has been calling for referendums on major issues for years. It is pretty convincing to me from these results if only Mt Albert's that the public agree with the NPDC that the people are happy for the statuesque of electing representatives to make the decisions for them, without their input and need of citizens initiated referendum. If their representatives get it wrong they can blame them. not themselves then punish them come next election. But I still say without favour that without binding referendums the Government will not listen or take head of the majorities wishes. The $9 million spent on the non-binding citizens initiated referendum on the anti-smacking law is just a waste of money and time, when its not binding on the Government. John Key has already stated the Government is unlikely to change the child-discipline law regardless of the result of the $9 million referendum. So why have it.

Rusty Kane

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