Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rusty Kane Speaks Out..

Press Release

The People's Choice Party

Rusty Kane speaks out.

The Mt Albert electorate will only vote for a smaller party like The People's Choice Party. Not because of their candidate, but because of what the candidate represents or is saying. I and The People's Choice Party are saying, the Mt Albert electorate themselves should be the ones who decide what is best for Mt Albert. If the Mt Albert voters believe this also, they will vote accordingly. As a protest vote, sending a direct message to the Government itself. The voters of the Mt Albert electorate are not fools. They know the by-election is not going to change the Government. But they do know that their votes and how they vote will decide the outcome of their views. If that view is for the people of Mt Albert to decide what is best for Mt Albert not that of a political party. Then there's every chance they will protest their vote to a smaller party with those same views. Sending the strongest possible message to the Government leading up to a general election. There is no reason for Labour not to win the Mt Albert by-election. But what is more important in a by-election is the percentage of the remaining votes that are divided up among the smaller parties and why is the real message.

"The People's Choice Party"
PO Box 41002, St Lukes,
Auckland 1346

Contact: Rusty Kane
Phone: 06-758 7688
Postal address: PO Box 5111,
New Plymouth 4343

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